Transaction Manager is part of RezEasy Cloud PMS. It records credit card details and stores them in the RezEasy database. Transactions can then be processed using your existing merchant account or virtual credit card terminal.
Before being stored in the database, Transaction Manager encrypts credit card details. Selected RezEasy users (those with access to financial data) can log in and view or print the data.
Typically you would use the program where you don't want to take an immediate payment for an online reservation and prefer to hold the card details as a guarantee against a no-show.
A payment gateway is a third party website that processes credit card payments and deposits the funds to your bank account. The entire transaction takes place on the payment gateway's website removing your requirement for obtaining PCI compliance. RezEasy is pre-configured for 37 payment gateways, including popular systems like PayPal and Stripe.
To accept credit card data directly on your website, 'the site' should be PCI compliant. RezEasy PMS only stores encrypted card data. However, you need to ensure that RezEasy is secure by using strong passwords. It is essential to set user permissions in RezEasy to ensure that only authorized personnel have access to credit card details. We strongly recommend that you delete card details from the PMS after you have processed a transaction.
Card details are not stored on your website when using a payment gateway. Therefore, the payment gateway is responsible for PCI compliance. However, if you use the Channel Manager Module, be aware that some OTA's will include card details when sending reservations to RezEasy PMS. Our program stores encrypted card details.
You can find more details on PCI compliance here.
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