With RezEasy's integrated Online Reservations, each booking from your website instantly updates the database used by the Property Management System,
and room inventory reduces in real-time. The system auto-detects the visitor's device and selects the appropriate interface for the computer, tablet or smartphone.
Google Free Booking Links allows travellers to book directly with your property through RezEasy Booking Engine.
Our optional two-way Channel Manager interface to GDS/OTA automates the export of rates and import of reservations made via Expedia, Booking.com and many others.
Package your rooms with other products to create unique offerings. Select when these offers are available, the room types and the number of persons per package.
The system allows an unlimited number of rate changes during the year. Assign a special rate for Internet bookings. Several rate types to choose from, charged per room or person.
Translate the text and templates used by RezEasy into different languages, or ask us to do it for you (additional cost per language). Allow visitors to view prices and optionally pay in their currency.
RezEasy is pre-configured for many Payment Systems, and you can allow visitors to choose from different payment methods (bank transfer, credit card and PayPal, for example). RezEasy includes our Transaction Manager module.
RezEasy allows you to send automated pre-arrival and post-stay emails to your guests. You can customize the content and format of outgoing emails.
Check out the custom designs and all of the features in RezEasy; you will be pleasantly surprised.
Amazon ★ Authorize ★ Barclays ePDQ ★ CCAvenue ★ Chase Paymentech HPP ★ ChronoPay ★ Conexion/Sermepa ★ CyberSource ★ Datatrans ★ DeltaPAY ★ EBS ★ eSelect Plus - Moneris ★ First Data Connect 2 ★ First Data Global Gateway e4 ★ Global Iris RealAuth Redirect (HSBC) ★ InternetSecure ★ Kasikorn Bank ★ MasterCard VPC ★ MerchantOne QuickClick ★ MultiCards ★ MyGate ★ Netbanx ★ PayDollar ★ Payment Express - PxPay ★ PayONE ★ PayPal ★ PayU ★ PesoPay ★ Protx (SagePay) ★ ProxyPay ★ PSIGate ★ QuickPay ★ Secure Hosting ★ SECpay ★ Secure Trading ★ SwissNet ★ Stripe ★ WorldPay ★ Custom Option