RezEasy Hotel Reservation Portal is a complete package that allows travel and booking agents to offer an online reservation portal for hotels, motels, villas
and holiday apartments.
RezEasy Portal is a mobile-friendly booking system that includes PC and smartphone/tablet interfaces. The program will auto-detect the device and display pages formatted to give users the optimum experience based on their screen size.
Hallisoft includes a professionally designed template, installation and testing as part of the purchase price. You can determine how to run the Portal and what to charge each property owner. There is no commission or monthly fee to pay to Hallisoft - just the initial cost of the software. Therefore, all the revenue generated by the Portal is yours.
Sign Up: Property owners visit your site and sign up for your reservation portal. You set the fee that each property owner pays and the terms and conditions of the contract. Payment could be an annual fee, a percentage of each booking, or both.
Acceptance: When you approve the listing, the property owner receives (by email) a User ID and password to access the portal.
Property Owner Input: The property owner enters details online via a web browser. Details include description, map & pictures, facilities, room rates, booking restrictions, special offers, etc. The property is now available for booking.
Visitors to your portal can search by any combination of dates, area, place, district, class (star rating), price range and accommodation type. Search results can be filtered and sorted. The reservation can also include any meal plans and extras configured by the property owner. Take payment by bank transfer, PayPal, Transaction Manager or one of the Payment Systems pre-configured in RezEasy.
Visitors can search for last-minute deals by any area, place, district, class (star rating), price range and accommodation type.
Visitors can book rooms using an Internet-connected device - PC, tablet or smartphone. The Admin and Back Office are accessible to satellite offices and remotely located personnel using a PC or tablet.
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