Finding a Room
- Visitors can search for available hotels by dates, area, place, district, price range, class (star rating) and property type. The search results can
be filtered and sorted.
- Full details of available rooms, including the total price and daily rate, are made available to the visitor.
- Visitors know the total cost; no nasty surprises on the check-out page.
- Visitors can book one or more rooms at the same time. Take payment by PayPal, bank transfer or via a payment system.
- Include meals and optional extras on reservations. Charge per room/night, per person/night, person or booking.
- Guests can change and cancel reservations before check-in. You specify the minimum number of days before check-in when these changes can be made.
- Reservations are automatically added to the database and will be instantly available in the Back Office System.
Room Rates, Packages & Offers
- Property owners define rates for Online Reservations (they can have different rates for agents and corporate clients).
- Rates set in the Back Office System show instantly in Online Reservations.
- You can set up discounts and promotional codes.
- Owners can create special packages and offers that apply between dates that you specify.
Flexible Booking Restrictions
- Owners can restrict visitors to booking a minimum number of nights between specific dates such as public holidays.
- Owners can restrict visitors to booking a minimum number of nights if their stay spans a weekend.
- Owners can restrict visitors to booking exact numbers of nights, for example, 3,5,7,14,21
- Owners can specify an arrival day or allow arrival on any day of the week.
- Owners can specify a leadtime (minimum number of days between booking and arrival).
- Owners can collect the names of all guests on the reservation confirmation page.
Easy Navigation and Display
- Visitors can easily navigate through the website and view detailed information.
- Display full details of any property, amenities, rooms, rates, description, pictures, location information and map.
- An interactive picture gallery and guest reviews are also available.
Email Confirmations
- Automatically send pre-arrival reminders and post-departure emails to guests.
- Reservation confirmation automatically sent to the guest by email (with a copy to you and a cc address).
Customizable Templates
- Select any custom design, or we will match your website design.
- Website templates and email and invoice templates are fully customizable - text, fonts, colours, and images
Languages & Currencies
- Create the Online Reservation System in up to 8 languages. Professional translations can be ordered in 3 clicks using
Nativy Translations.
- Display prices in up to 8 currencies.
- Connects to over 37 different payment systems
- Allow guests to pay in the currency of their choice (requires a multi-currency payment system).
and much more!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Back Office System is available to each property owner, and they can log in and manage all of their details and rates.
Reservations & Guests
- Create new reservations.
- Add meals and optional extras to reservations. Charge per room/night, per person/night, per person or per booking.
- Change and cancel reservations.
- Save full guest details.
Room Rates
- Create any number of rate codes.
- Rates can be Seasonal (calendar dates), Flexi-Rate (calendar dates with different rates at weekends), or Day-Week-Month.
- Rates can be per room or person.
- Property owners can have several rate codes for the same room type, and the rates can be different types.
- Change rates quickly and easily for any day or block of days.
- Charge different rates for this year and next year.
- Rates can be increased/decreased globally by a percentage or fixed amount.
- Copy rates and increase/decrease by a percentage or fixed amount.
- Check or view availability (inventory) either as a calendar or bulk update.
- Set different allocations for agents and corporate clients.
Management & Reports
- Set agents/corporate client rate code, room allocation and commission.
- Allow selected agents/corporate clients to log in and make/change/cancel reservations based on their rate code and assignments.
- RezEasy includes a full range of reports for reservations and financial data.
Email & Miscellaneous
- Automatically send pre-arrival and post-departure emails to guests.
- Send reservation confirmation by email.
- Send a personalized email to a guest or mailing list.
Portal Administration
The following functions are available to the portal administrator only.
- Global configuration includes date format, currencies & conversion rates, languages, tax rates, surcharges and discounts.
- Define areas, places, districts, classes (star ratings), price ranges and property types. Property owners will select from this list when
placing their hotels into a category.
- Define a list of general and room facilities from which property owners can choose.
- Manage priority listings.
- Edit the website template.
- Set the layout of forms and default text for online reservations.
- Approve or delete applications from property owners to join your portal.
- Approve or delete guest reviews.
- Global reports for all properties.
- Database management.
Start showing up on hotel search on Google.
Google has partnered with Hallisoft in making it free to appear in the booking links shown in Google search.
Millions of travelers around the world search for hotels on Google every day. Start with free booking links to serve real-time room prices and
availability to potential travellers at no charge from Google.
Free booking links appear on the hotel booking module alongside hotel ads when travellers look for rooms at a given hotel.
With your hotel's free direct booking link displayed to users across hotel searches on Google, travellers will be able to book directly with your property.
You control the guest experience on your site and collect the guest data.
Over 112 hotels using RezEasy are already taking this fantastic opportunity to receive bookings directly from search results at 0% commission!
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